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Dissertation on goal line technology

Dissertation on goal line technology

dissertation on goal line technology

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International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education volume 14Article number: 7 Cite this article. Metrics details.

The final semester evaluation results were used as a measure for performance as an outcome. We dissertation on goal line technology the online self regulatory learning questionnaire for data on learner self regulation, the intrinsic motivation inventory for data on intrinsic motivation and other self-developed instruments for measuring the other constructs.

Multiple regression analysis results showed that blended learning design features technology quality, online tools and face-to-face support and student characteristics attitudes and self-regulation predicted student satisfaction as an outcome. The teaching and learning environment is embracing a number of innovations and some of these involve the use of technology through blended learning.

This innovative pedagogical approach has been embraced rapidly though it goes through a process. The introduction of blended learning combination of face-to-face and online teaching and learning initiatives is part of these innovations but its uptake, dissertation on goal line technology, especially in the developing world faces challenges for it to be an effective innovation in teaching and learning. Blended learning effectiveness has quite a number of dissertation on goal line technology factors that pose challenges.

Hofmann adds that users getting into difficulties with technology may result into abandoning the learning and eventual failure of technological applications. Learners are important partners in any learning process and therefore, their backgrounds and characteristics affect their ability to effectively carry on with learning and being in blended learning, the design tools to be used may impinge on the effectiveness in their learning.

No studies have also been done on how the characteristics of learners and design features are predictors of outcomes in the context of a planning evaluation research Guskey, dissertation on goal line technology, to establish the effectiveness of blended learning.

Guskey noted that planning evaluation fits in well since it occurs before the implementation of any innovation as well as allowing planners to determine the needs, considering participant characteristics, analyzing contextual matters and gathering baseline information. This study is done in the context of a plan to undertake innovative pedagogy involving use of dissertation on goal line technology learning management system moodle for the first time in teaching and learning in a Ugandan university.

We investigate the blended learning design features of learner interactions, face-to-face support, learning management system tools and technology quality while the outcomes considered include satisfaction, performance, intrinsic motivation and knowledge construction. Establishing the significant predictors of outcomes in blended learning will help to inform planners of such learning environments in order to put in place necessary groundwork preparations for designing blended learning as an innovative pedagogical approach.

Kenney and Newcombe did their comparison to establish effectiveness in view of grades and found that blended learning had higher average score than the non-blended learning environment. Garrison and Kanuka examined the transformative potential of blended learning and reported an increase in course completion rates, improved retention and increased student satisfaction. However, blended learning effectiveness may be dependent on many other factors and among them student characteristics, design features and learning outcomes.

Additionally, it is dependent on learner interactions with instructors since failure to continue with online learning is attributed to this. Support is needed for learners from all areas in web-based courses and this may be from family, dissertation on goal line technology, friends, co-workers as well as peers in class.

Greer, Hudson and Paugh further noted that peer encouragement assisted new learners in computer use and applications. The authors also show that learners need time budgeting, appropriate technology tools and support from friends and family in web-based courses.

Peer support is required by learners who have no or little knowledge of technology, especially computers, to help them overcome fears. The study by Kintu and Zhu investigated the possibility of blended learning in a Ugandan University and examined whether student characteristics such as self-regulation, attitudes towards blended learning, computer competence and student background such as family support, social support and management of workload were significant factors in learner outcomes such as motivation, satisfaction, dissertation on goal line technology, knowledge construction and performance.

The characteristics and background factors were studied along with blended learning design features such as technology quality, learner interactions, and Moodle with its tools and resources. The findings from that study indicated that learner attitudes towards blended learning were significant factors to learner satisfaction and motivation while workload management was a significant factor to learner satisfaction and knowledge construction.

Among the blended learning design features, only learner interaction was a significant factor to learner satisfaction and knowledge construction.

Studies like that of Morris and Lim have investigated learner and instructional factors influencing dissertation on goal line technology outcomes in blended learning. They however do not deal with such variables in the contexts of blended learning dissertation on goal line technology as an aspect of innovative pedagogy involving the use of technology in education. Apart from the learner variables such as gender, age, experience, study time as tackled before, this study considers social and background aspects of the learners such as family and social support, dissertation on goal line technology, self-regulation, attitudes towards blended learning and management of workload to find out their relationship to blended learning effectiveness.

Identifying the various types of learner variables with regard to their relationship to blended learning effectiveness is dissertation on goal line technology in this study as we embark on innovative pedagogy with technology in teaching and learning. It also gives the factors that are considered to be significant for blended learning effectiveness.

We have made use of Loukis, Georgiou, and Pazalo value flow model for evaluating an e-learning and blended learning service specifically considering the effectiveness evaluation layer. This evaluates the extent of an e-learning system usage and the educational effectiveness. In addition, studies by Leidner, Jarvenpaa, Dillon and Gunawardena as cited in Selim have noted three main factors that affect e-learning and blended learning effectiveness as instructor characteristics, technology and student characteristics.

Heinich, Molenda, dissertation on goal line technology, Russell, and Smaldino showed the need for examining learner characteristics for effective instructional technology use and showed that user characteristics do impact on behavioral intention to use technology.

Research has dealt with learner characteristics that contribute to learner performance outcomes. Dealing with the characteristics identified in this study will give another dimension, especially for blended learning in learning environment designs and add to specific debate on learning using technology. Lin and Vassar, indicated that learner success is dependent on ability to cope with technical difficulty as well as dissertation on goal line technology skills in computer operations and internet navigation.

This justifies our approach in dealing with the design features of blended learning in this study. Studies indicate that student characteristics such as gender play significant roles in academic achievement Oxford Group,but no study examines performance of male and female as an important factor in blended learning effectiveness. Rigorous discovery of such competences can finally lead to a confirmation of high possibilities of establishing blended learning.

Research agrees that the success of e-learning and blended learning can largely depend on students as well as teachers gaining confidence and capability to participate in blended learning Hadad, This is supported by Selim that learners need to posses time management skills and computer skills necessary for effectiveness in e- learning and blended learning.

A study by Thompson shows that work, family, insufficient time and study load made learners withdraw from online courses. Learner attitudes to blended learning can result in its effectiveness and these shape behavioral intentions which usually lead to persistence in a learning environment, blended inclusive.

Learner performance by age and gender in e-learning and blended learning has been found to indicate no significant differences between male and female learners and different age groups i. This implies that the potential for blended learning to be effective exists and is unhampered by gender or age differences. The design features under study here include interactions, technology with its quality, dissertation on goal line technology, face-to-face support and learning management system tools and resources.

It is therefore important to examine technology quality dissertation on goal line technology ensuring learning effectiveness in blended learning.

Tselios, Daskalakis, and Papadopoulou investigated learner perceptions after a learning management system use and found out that the actual system use determines the usefulness among users. It is again noted that a system with poor response time cannot be taken to be useful for e-learning and blended learning especially in cases of limited bandwidth Anderson, In this study, we investigate the use of Moodle and its tools as a function of potential effectiveness of blended learning.

The quality of learning management system content for learners can be a predictor of good performance in e-and blended learning environments and can lead to learner satisfaction. The efficient use of learning management system and its tools improves learning outcomes in e-learning and blended learning environments. It is noted that learner satisfaction with a learning management system can be an antecedent factor for blended learning effectiveness.

The study by Goyal and Tambe used descriptive statistics to indicate improved learning by use of uploaded syllabus and session plans on Moodle. Improved learning is also noted through sharing study material, submitting assignments and using the calendar.

Learners in the study found Moodle to be an effective educational tool. In blended learning set ups, dissertation on goal line technology, face-to-face experiences form part of the blend and learner positive attitudes to such sessions could mean blended learning effectiveness.

A study by Marriot, Marriot, dissertation on goal line technology, and Selwyn showed learners expressing their preference for dissertation on goal line technology due to its facilitation of social interaction and communication skills acquired from classroom environment. Their preference for the online session was only in as far as it complemented the traditional face-to-face learning. Learners in a study by Osgerby had positive perceptions of blended learning but preferred face-to-face with its step-by-stem instruction.

Beard, Harper and Riley shows that some learners are successful while in a personal interaction with teachers and peers dissertation on goal line technology prefer face-to-face in the blend, dissertation on goal line technology.

Beard however dealt with a comparison between online and on-campus learning while our study combines both, singling out the face-to-face part of the blend. The advantage found by Beard is all the dissertation on goal line technology relevant here because learners in blended learning express attitude to both online and face-to-face for an effective blend.

Researchers indicate that teacher presence in face-to-face sessions lessens psychological distance between them and the learners and leads to greater learning, dissertation on goal line technology. The outcomes under scrutiny in this study include performance, motivation, satisfaction and knowledge construction. Research shows that high motivation among online learners leads to persistence in their courses Menager-Beeley, Lim and Kim, indicated that learner interest as a motivation factor promotes learner involvement in learning and this could lead to learning effectiveness in blended learning.

A lack of prompt feedback for learners from course instructors was found to cause dissatisfaction in an online graduate course. In addition, dissatisfaction resulted from technical difficulties as well as ambiguous course instruction Hara and Kling These factors, once addressed, can lead to learner satisfaction in e-learning and blended learning and eventual effectiveness.

A study by Blocker and Tucker also showed that learners had difficulties with technology and inadequate group participation by peers leading to dissatisfaction within these design features. Student-teacher interactions are known to bring satisfaction within online courses. Study results by Swan indicated that student-teacher interaction strongly related with student satisfaction and high learner-learner interaction resulted in higher levels of course satisfaction.

Descriptive results by Naaj, Nachouki, and Ankit showed that learners were satisfied with technology which was a video-conferencing component of blended learning with a mean of 3.

The same study indicated student satisfaction with instructors at a mean of 3. Askar and Altun, found that learners were satisfied with face-to-face dissertation on goal line technology of the blend with t-tests and ANOVA results indicating female scores as higher than for males in the satisfaction with face-to-face environment of the blended learning.

Such improvement as noted may be an indicator of blended learning effectiveness. Our study however, dissertation on goal line technology, delves into improved performance but seeks to establish the potential of blended learning effectiveness by considering grades obtained in a blended learning experiment.

This will make our conclusions about the potential of blended learning effectiveness. Effective blended learning would require that learners are able to initiate, discover and accomplish the processes of knowledge construction as antecedents of blended learning effectiveness.

A study by Rahman, Yasin and Jusoff indicated that learners were able to use some steps to construct meaning through an online discussion process through assignments given.

In the process of giving and receiving among themselves, the authors noted that learners learned by writing what they understood, dissertation on goal line technology. From our perspective, this can be considered to be accomplishment in the knowledge construction process. Their study further dissertation on goal line technology that learners construct meaning individually from assignments and this stage is referred to as pre-construction which for our study, is an aspect of discovery in the knowledge construction process.

Researchers have dealt with success factors for online learning or those for traditional face-to-face learning but little is known about factors that predict blended learning effectiveness in view of learner characteristics and blended learning design features.

Song, Singleton, Hill, and Koh examined online learning effectiveness factors and found out that time management a self-regulatory factor was crucial for successful online learning, dissertation on goal line technology. Eom, Wen, and Ashill using a survey found out that interaction, among other factors, was significant for learner satisfaction.

Technical problems with regard to instructional design were a challenge to online learners thus not indicating effectiveness Song et al, dissertation on goal line technology. Arbaugh and Swan indicated that high levels of learner-instructor interaction are associated with high levels of user satisfaction and learning outcomes. A study by Naaj et al. The objective of the current study is to investigate the effectiveness of blended learning in view of student satisfaction, knowledge construction, performance and intrinsic motivation and how they dissertation on goal line technology related to student characteristics and blended learning design features in a blended learning environment.

What are the student characteristics and blended learning design features for an effective blended learning environment? Which factors among the learner characteristics and blended learning design features predict student satisfaction, learning outcomes, intrinsic motivation and knowledge construction? The conceptual model for our study is depicted as follows Fig.

This research applies a quantitative design where descriptive statistics are used for the student characteristics and design features data, t-tests for the age and gender variables to determine if they are significant in blended learning effectiveness and regression for predictors of blended learning effectiveness.

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dissertation on goal line technology

DOWNLOAD Dissertation Research and Writing for Construction Students PDF Online. Finance Dissertation Topics Examples List. Congratulations to student Jian Kang and Prof. Creative Ideas for Remaining on Track with ‘My 10 Year Plan’ It’s easy to stray from our goal paths Jul 21,  · Critical thinking is a widely accepted educational goal. Its definition is contested, but the competing definitions can be understood as differing conceptions of the same basic concept: careful thinking directed to a goal Feb 06,  · Student characteristics, blended learning design features and learning outcomes (RQ1)A t-test was carried out to establish the performance of male and female learners in the blended learning set up. This was aimed at finding out if male and female learners do perform equally well in blended learning given their different roles and responsibilities in society

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