Oct 24, · Domestic violence and domestic abuse is a world-wide epidemic. The prevalence of the occurrences of domestic violence is attributable to several variables: cultural differences between partners, alcohol and drug abuse, poverty, and mental issues of aggression, impulse, and character Jul 30, · Domestic Violence Research Paper Topics Older adults and elderly. Domestic violence can occur among elderly couples. Also, elderly people can be abused by Children and adolescents. Children and adolescents are extremely vulnerable to domestic violence. A tender psyche and New technologies and Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Jun 23, · This domestic violence research paper features an outline, + words, and a list of credible sources. If you would like to write a high quality paper, ideas from this essay sample will give you a head start and the much needed inspiration. Essay, term paper, research paper: Domestic Violence Outline. IntroductionEstimated Reading Time: 9 mins
How To Write A Domestic Violence Research Paper, Topics, Essay Examples
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Domestic violence occurs when a current or former intimate partner exerts dominance and control in a relationship through physical, sexual, or psychological-emotional abuse, resulting in physical or emotional trauma to the victim. Other forms of domestic violence include stalking and dating violence.
Other domestic violence research paper outline used for domestic violence include intimate partner violence, domestic abuse, family violence, spousal abuse, dating violence, wife abuse, and battering. Domestic violence exists within all cultures, domestic violence research paper outline, ethnicities, faiths, age groups, domestic violence research paper outline, education levels, income levels, and sexual orientations.
Domestic violence can occur between many different kinds of couples: married or unmarried couples, couples who live in rural areas and urban areas, those that cohabitate or live separately, couples that had been formerly married or had dated, and between heterosexual or same-sex couples. Furthermore, sexual intimacy is not required to be present in a relationship in order for domestic violence to occur.
While the statutory term for domestic violence in most states usually includes other family members besides intimate partners, such as children, parents, siblings, sometimes roommates, and so forth, practitioners typically apply the term domestic violence to a coercive, systemic pattern of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse between intimate partners.
Victims of domestic violence can be women or men; however, the overwhelming majority of domestic violence involves women as victims and men as perpetrators.
For this reason, many organizations concerned with domestic violence focus their attention and services specifically on violence against women and their children.
The following section of this research paper discusses the types and prevalence of domestic violence. It also discusses domestic violence warning signs, domestic violence research paper outline, dating violence, and domestic violence in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT community.
The research paper domestic violence research paper outline with a discussion of the judicial response to domestic violence such as domestic violence and family courts, domestic violence research paper outline. The first shelters in the United States opened their doors in Minneapolis-St, domestic violence research paper outline.
Paul, Minnesota; Pasadena, California; and Phoenix, Arizona, in Soon thereafter, a shelter opened in Boston, Massachusetts, and Casa Myrna Vasquez, also in Boston, opened its doors as the first shelter providing services primarily for Latinas. The first support group for battered lesbians began in Seattle in Awareness and services have increased exponentially over the past three decades, and as of Septembera total of 1, domestic violence programs were operational across the United States National Center for Victims of Crime, As previously mentioned, physical, sexual, and psychological violence, stalking, and dating violence are different types of abuse experienced by victims of domestic violence on a daily basis.
Each type of abuse is discussed below. Physical violence involves the use of force, possibly resulting in physical harm, disability, or death. Examples of physical abuse include hitting, scratching, shoving, grabbing, biting, throwing, choking, shaking, kicking, burning, physical restraint, use of a weapon, or otherwise causing intentional physical injury to the victim, domestic violence research paper outline.
Sexual violence occurs when one forces or compels a person to engage in a sexual act or experiences sexual contact against his or her will. If a participant cannot communicate an understanding of and willingness to engage in a sexual act for any reason, including but not limited to disability, illness, and alcohol or drug intoxication, and the sex act is nonetheless attempted or completed by a perpetrator, an act of sexual violence transpires.
In addition, sexual violence sometimes occurs within physically or emotionally abusive relationships where the victim agrees to sexual activity solely as a means to avoid additional abuse or intimidation.
Examples of sexual violence include rape including marital and date rapeattempted rape, inappropriate touching, unwanted voyeurism or exhibitionism, sexual harassment, or any other type of sexual activity to which one does not willingly agree.
Psychological violence is also commonly called emotional abuse and refers to behaviors of intimidation, control, or coercion resulting in emotional trauma. While a relationship does not need to include physical or sexual violence to be abusive, any prior acts or threats of physical or sexual violence do constitute psychological violence.
A relationship does not have to include all of the above behaviors in order to be considered abusive; a partner who attempts to wield dominance and control within a relationship through any threat or act of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse is committing an act of domestic violence, domestic violence research paper outline. It is also important to note that while a few of the above behaviors are not necessarily prosecutable in criminal court, they nevertheless constitute abuse.
Research has indicated that many victims of domestic violence have experienced stalking behavior from a current or former intimate partner. These incursions may increase in frequency as a stalker tries to exert more control over a victim, sometimes in response to the loss of control he or she experienced at the end of the relationship.
When stalking behaviors escalate, domestic violence research paper outline, they may lead to outright threats or incidents of physical violence. Domestic violence research paper outline, all 50 of the United States have implemented anti-stalking laws and protective orders for victims. However, domestic violence research paper outline, not all states treat the first offense of stalking as a felony; in most states, first-time offenders are charged with a misdemeanor.
In some cases, a felony conviction occurs only after a third offense. Dating violence is a form of domestic violence that has been receiving much attention in recent years from the research and practice community those who work with abuse victims. However, there are a few notable differences between dating violence within adolescent and young adult couples high school and college age and domestic violence within older couples who perhaps live together, have children in common, or are married.
Many young people who are involved in dating relationships experience unhealthy and abusive behaviors, but the problem is often overlooked because the relationship is less likely to be viewed as long-term or dependent in nature.
Young people in relationships today do not necessarily view their relationships as long-term, as relationships were once assumed to be. In addition, both men and women view relationships as being more casual in general today, compared to previous generations. Statistics show that dating violence is a serious problem among youth. Research suggests that college students are highly vulnerable to dating violence because so many are involved in romantic relationships during these formative years, domestic violence research paper outline.
Dating violence research has produced interesting findings regarding the relationship between gender and victimization. According to a recent study of approximately 2, college students attending two large southeastern U. This is consistent with a Fact Sheet distributed by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence NCADV,which reports that 1 in 5 college students say they have experienced violence within a current dating relationship, about a third have experienced dating violence within a previous relationship, and over half of acquaintance rapes on college campuses occur within the context of a dating relationship.
Overall, the relationship between gender and dating violence is one that needs to continue to be explored because there are many questions that current research is unable to answer. Specifically, while there are many studies that discuss the prevalence of different forms of dating violence, these studies very rarely also inquire as to the context in which this violence occurs, domestic violence research paper outline.
This makes it hard to understand the quantitative data, and it makes it difficult to move forward on the best way to educate the community and respond to the issue given the fact that nondating violence research indicates that women are significantly more likely to domestic violence research paper outline victims of intimate partner violence compared to men.
In many states, the law simply overlooks victims of dating violence when it comes to protection. As reported by NCADVin many states the criminal and civil domestic violence laws only apply to victims who are married to, cohabitate domestic violence research paper outline, or have a child in common with the perpetrator.
Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia allow victims of dating violence to apply for orders of protection against a perpetrator.
Eleven states do not recognize dating violence in their statutes. In addition, the Bureau of Justice Statisticsreports that females represent an overwhelming majority of family violence victims, spousal abuse victims, and dating violence victims, with women at the greatest risk for intimate partner violence between the ages of 20 and Many victim advocates suspect that the majority of violence committed by women in abusive relationships takes place for purposes of self-defense against an abusive male partner.
In Septemberthe National Network to End Domestic Violence NNEDV, conducted a hour point-in-time survey known as the National Census of Domestic Violence Services. Of those served, domestic violence research paper outline, about half sought shelter. Also during that time, 20, domestic violence hotline calls were answered across the country.
The report also found that 7, requests for services were unmet due to lack of space or resources. Clearly, the pervasiveness of domestic violence across the United States is overwhelming, with a tremendous need for services for victims and their children on a daily basis, domestic violence research paper outline.
Scholars have had a difficult time developing explanations for the occurrence of domestic violence. Yet, it is widely understood that perpetrators turn to abusive behaviors as a means to gain power and control over their partner. Behaviors of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse within a relationship typically increase in their severity over time, as the perpetrator seeks to dominate the victim more fully.
But abusers may differ from one another when it comes to the reasons why they seek to increase their power through abuse.
The majority of relationships characterized by domestic violence experience what is referred to as the cycle of violence, which consists of three stages: 1 the tension-building stage, 2 the explosive stage, and 3 the honeymoon stage.
The cycle is not the same for all victims in terms of duration, but there is evidence that the violence escalates as the cycle increases in frequency. Victims become so accustomed to the cycle that based on the behavior of domestic violence research paper outline partner, they can usually anticipate when their batterer will become abusive. The first stage, the tension-building stage, is a time that can be characterized by extremely high stress. The batterer may vent this increased tension by taking it out on objects or by acting aggressively in other ways, and it is common for the batterer to act overly jealous of his partner and attempt to isolate the partner from family and friends more than normal.
While this is happening, many victims feel like they are walking on eggshells and they try to do anything they can to stop their batterer from becoming physically abusive. The tension-building stage is followed by the explosive stage. The term for this stage is appropriate because this is the point in the cycle when the batterer releases his accumulation of stress by perpetrating violence against his partner in an act of rage. This may consist of either physical domestic violence research paper outline sexual violence.
Law enforcement may or may not become involved at this stage, depending on whether the victim or a third party calls the police. If law enforcement does become involved during this stage, many batterers who remain at the scene often appear very calm and collected to the officer, since their stress was released through their perpetration of violence.
On the other hand, victims often appear confused, hysterical, terrified, shocked, angry, afraid, and degraded. The final stage is referred to as the honeymoon stage.
This stage is composed of acts on the part of the batterer to convince the victim to stay in the relationship, including promises to the victim that things will change. The batterer will typically ask for forgiveness and shower the victim with various presents as an expression of love and commitment to the relationship. During this stage, batterers also may seek counseling or go to church to show the victim that they are committed to changing their behavior. Unfortunately, victims who have been through the cycle before want to believe the promises that are being made, but instead feel depressed, helpless, hopeless, and trapped.
While the batterer may feel somewhat in control again, he is still fearful that the victim may leave or obtain the involvement of the criminal justice system. Although apologies are made, batterers tend to minimize the abuse they inflicted on the victim. In sum, the honeymoon stage eventually cycles back to the tension-building phase, since the cycle of violence is a continual repetitious pattern.
One explanation behind domestic abuse is that the perpetrator suffers from certain mental disorders that lead him to seek psychological gratification through dysfunctional relationships. Detractors of domestic violence research paper outline theory point out that most domestic abusers manage to function normally in other relationships, not necessarily behaving aggressively toward others in their daily life.
While some abusers probably do suffer from mental illness or exhibit some signs of personality disorders, it is difficult to claim psychopathology as the main cause of domestic violence.
A more widely accepted theory from the feminist school of thought, gender role theory is a perspective that sees institutionalized patriarchy as an explanation for domestic violence. As such, an abuser who expects his partner to fill a traditionally subservient feminine gender role may resort to power and control behaviors to assert his power in the relationship. While this explanation rings true for many couples in abusive relationships, it fails to explain the occurrence of domestic violence within lesbian and gay relationships.
There are specific reasons for domestic violence between same-sex couples, which will be discussed later in this research paper. However, one may argue that gender role theory can apply to homosexual relationships as well, in that the abuser may be trying to achieve a perceived societal gender norm within the relationship.
It is difficult to pinpoint one distinct explanation for the epidemic of domestic violence; every relationship domestic violence research paper outline unique, and abusers exhibit violent behaviors for a variety of reasons.
Ultimately, it is most likely a combination of social, psychological, cultural, domestic violence research paper outline, and individual factors that lead abusers to control their victims through domestic violence.
While the majority of research on domestic violence refers to heterosexual couples, studies focusing on intimate partner abuse within gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered GLBT relationships show that it happens at the same rates Renzetti, Since their inception, domestic violence shelters have become more inclusive in welcoming and assisting gay women. Nonetheless, as stated by the New York Anti-Violence Project.
Research Topic: Domestic Violence
, time: 4:23Domestic Violence Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
Domestic Violence Research Paper Outline. Like other essays, a domestic violence research paper consists of the following parts: A title – The title, usually a few words, briefly describes your article. It is the face of your writing Oct 24, · Domestic violence and domestic abuse is a world-wide epidemic. The prevalence of the occurrences of domestic violence is attributable to several variables: cultural differences between partners, alcohol and drug abuse, poverty, and mental issues of aggression, impulse, and character Dec 06, · Domestic Violence - Final Research Paper Alysia Rodgers PSY Statistics for the Behavioral & Social Sciences Dr. Andrew Edelman July 10th, I. Introduction to Domestic Violence Many people in this world suffer from domestic violence.
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